Bright Recovery Opportunities for NEOs
This list contains a listing of past one-opposition NEOs that may now be recoverable. Objects are listed here if they satisfy the following criteria:- not seen in more than 180 days,
- solar elongation greater than 60°,
- visual magnitude, V brighter than 21.0,
- now (the time this page was prepared),
- now + 7 days,
- now + 30 days.
A list of faint recovery opportunities is also available.
Customize this page.
The lists below allow easy access to MPES ephemerides of objects listed herein. Use the checkboxes on the left-hand side to select the objects that you want to observe. Select your observing options from the bottom of the page and then select `Get ephemerides'. In the lists, the data given under `Currently' is as follows: current R.A. in decimal hours; current Decl. in decimal degrees; current V magnitude (followed by `^' if the object is brightening, `_' if fading or ` ' if not changing); current elongation; and current motion in deg/day. `Current' refers to the time this page was last updated. Also available are the same data for the Current + 7, 30 and 60 days.
When uncertainty information is provided, it can be displayed in either graphical or textual form. When the textual form is used, the basic variant positions (as determined from individual orbit computations and displayed in the graphical form) are given without comment. Interpolated positions, given only when it is necessary to ensure that there is no more than 12' between successive values in the listing, are marked with an asterisk.
Recovery of any of these objects requires observations on two nights.
If this list has not been updated in more two hours, please report this fact (after ensuring that you are not looking at a cached copy of this page!).