Dates Of Last Observation Of NEOs
The following tables list those currently-observable NEOs that have not been observed recently. Further observations of these objects are desirable.This page is also available in a plain text version and in R.A. order.
Observers are reminded of the efficiency of making and reporting observations of specific objects on pairs of nearby nights, as the accuracy of an isolated single-night observation can be difficult to judge. Two nights of observation should be considered mandatory for those one-opposition objects making a predicted return.
In the lists below, the objects are divided into three categories: one-opposition unnumbered objects; multiple-opposition unnumbered objects; and numbered objects. For reference, the following quantities are given for each object: the uncertainty parameter U (where available), the arc in days or the number of oppositions utilised in the orbit solution, and low-precision values of the semi-major axis, eccentricity and inclination.
Enhanced 2000 Nov. 27. The lists below now allow easy access to MPES ephemerides of objects listed herein. Use the checkboxes on the left-hand side to select the objects (from any of the three lists) that you want to observe. Select your observing options from the bottom of the page and then select `Get ephemerides'. In the lists, the data given under `Currently' is as follows: current R.A. in decimal hours; current Decl. in decimal degrees; current V magnitude (followed by `^' if the object is brightening, `_' if fading or ` ' if not changing); current elongation; and current motion in deg/day. `Current' refers to the time this page was last updated. Also available are the same data for the Current + 7, 30 and 60 days.
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