Periodic Comet Numbers (Alphabetic List by Name)
The assignment of periodic comet numbers is the responsibility of the Minor Planet Center.Additions to this list will appear in the Minor Planet Circulars.
This list was last updated on 2024 July 19.
The current list of numbers is as follows:
Number Name Prov. Desig. 471P P/2023 KF3 427P ATLAS P/2017 S5 478P ATLAS P/2023 Y3 148P Anderson-LINEAR P/1963 W1 50P Arend P/1951 T1 49P Arend-Rigaux P/1951 C2 47P Ashbrook-Jackson P/1948 Q1 268P Bernardi P/2005 V1 297P Beshore P/2008 J2 398P Boattini P/2009 Q4 340P Boattini P/2008 T1 387P Boattini P/2008 Y1 85D Boethin D/1975 A1 140P Bowell-Skiff P/1983 C1 404P Bressi P/2011 U2 154P Brewington P/1992 Q1 87P Bus P/1981 E1 167P CINEOS P/2004 PY42 330P Catalina P/1999 V1 367P Catalina P/2011 CR42 346P Catalina P/2007 T6 403P Catalina P/2007 VQ11 257P Catalina P/2005 JY126 300P Catalina P/2005 JQ5 459P Catalina P/2010 VH95 227P Catalina-LINEAR P/2004 EW38 319P Catalina-McNaught P/2008 S1 395P Catalina-NEAT P/2020 H1 299P Catalina-PANSTARRS P/2014 D2 101P Chernykh P/1977 Q1 95P Chiron P/1977 UB 451P Christensen P/2007 A2 210P Christensen P/2003 K2 287P Christensen P/2006 R2 170P Christensen P/2005 M1 298P Christensen P/2007 C1 286P Christensen P/2005 L4 422P Christensen P/2006 S4 383P Christensen P/2006 S1 164P Christensen P/2004 Y1 438P Christensen P/2005 T2 411P Christensen P/2007 B1 266P Christensen P/2006 U5 67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko P/1969 R1 108P Ciffreo P/1985 V1 71P Clark P/1973 L1 32P Comas Sola P/1926 V1 27P Crommelin P/1928 W1 174P Echeclus P/2000 EC98 479P Elenin P/2011 NO1 133P Elst-Pizarro P/1996 N2 37P Forbes P/1929 P1 34D Gale D/1927 L1 296P Garradd P/2007 H3 436P Garradd P/2007 R4 259P Garradd P/2008 R1 186P Garradd P/2007 B3 142P Ge-Wang P/1988 V1 270P Gehrels P/1997 C1 78P Gehrels P/1973 S1 82P Gehrels P/1975 U1 90P Gehrels P/1972 T1 248P Gibbs P/2010 W1 341P Gibbs P/2007 R3 229P Gibbs P/2009 S1 313P Gibbs P/2014 S4 406P Gibbs P/2007 R2 263P Gibbs P/2006 Y2 388P Gibbs P/2007 T4 428P Gibbs P/2014 W12 331P Gibbs P/2012 F5 390P Gibbs P/2006 W1 335P Gibbs P/2008 Y2 339P Gibbs P/2009 K1 84P Giclas P/1978 R2 26P Grigg-Skjellerup P/1922 K1 65P Gunn P/1970 U2 51P Harrington P/1953 P1 52P Harrington-Abell P/1955 F1 103P Hartley P/1986 E2 100P Hartley P/1985 L1 110P Hartley P/1988 D1 161P Hartley-IRAS P/1983 V1 151P Helin P/1987 Q3 152P Helin-Lawrence P/1993 K2 117P Helin-Roman-Alu P/1989 T2 132P Helin-Roman-Alu P/1989 U1 111P Helin-Roman-Crockett P/1989 A2 175P Hergenrother P/2000 C1 168P Hergenrother P/1998 W2 275P Hermann P/1999 D1 35P Herschel-Rigollet P/1939 O1 385P Hill P/2010 U2 326P Hill P/2007 V2 357P Hill P/2008 T4 211P Hill P/2008 X1 465P Hill P/2008 L2 375P Hill P/2006 D1 310P Hill P/2006 S6 369P Hill P/2010 A1 195P Hill P/2006 W4 232P Hill P/2009 W1 474P Hogan P/2023 S4 127P Holt-Olmstead P/1990 R2 45P Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova P/1948 X1 88P Howell P/1981 Q1 178P Hug-Bell P/1999 X1 126P IRAS P/1983 M1 332P Ikeya-Murakami P/2010 V1 153P Ikeya-Zhang P/2002 C1 58P Jackson-Neujmin P/1936 S1 290P Jager P/1998 U3 458P Jahn P/2023 C1 269P Jedicke P/1996 A1 179P Jedicke P/1995 A1 48P Johnson P/1949 Q1 59P Kearns-Kwee P/1963 Q1 68P Klemola P/1965 U1 440P Kobayashi P/1997 B1 75D Kohoutek D/1975 C1 70P Kojima P/1970 Y1 203P Korlevic P/1999 WJ7 183P Korlevic-Juric P/1999 DN3 104P Kowal P/1979 B1 99P Kowal P/1977 H2 158P Kowal-LINEAR P/2001 RG100 143P Kowal-Mrkos P/1984 H1 134P Kowal-Vavrova P/1983 J3 425P Kowalski P/2005 W3 384P Kowalski P/2014 U2 391P Kowalski P/2006 F1 144P Kushida P/1994 A1 147P Kushida-Muramatsu P/1993 X1 241P LINEAR P/1999 U3 197P LINEAR P/2003 KV2 209P LINEAR P/2004 CB 234P LINEAR P/2002 CF140 194P LINEAR P/2000 B3 235P LINEAR P/2002 FA9 265P LINEAR P/2003 O2 237P LINEAR P/2002 LN13 439P LINEAR P/2008 WZ96 236P LINEAR P/2003 UY275 239P LINEAR P/1999 XB69 222P LINEAR P/2004 X1 221P LINEAR P/2002 JN16 333P LINEAR P/2007 VA85 228P LINEAR P/2001 YX127 225P LINEAR P/2002 T1 230P LINEAR P/2009 U6 219P LINEAR P/2002 LZ11 214P LINEAR P/2002 CW134 402P LINEAR P/2002 T5 345P LINEAR P/2008 SH164 218P LINEAR P/2003 H4 217P LINEAR P/2001 MD7 216P LINEAR P/2001 CV8 176P LINEAR P/1999 RE70 251P LINEAR P/2004 HC18 252P LINEAR P/2000 G1 249P LINEAR P/2006 U1 285P LINEAR P/2003 U2 306P LINEAR P/2003 O3 418P LINEAR P/2010 A5 160P LINEAR P/2004 NL21 295P LINEAR P/2002 AR2 256P LINEAR P/2003 HT15 392P LINEAR P/2004 WR9 294P LINEAR P/2008 A2 165P LINEAR P/2000 B4 277P LINEAR P/2005 YQ127 354P LINEAR P/2010 A2 187P LINEAR P/1999 J5 309P LINEAR P/2005 Q4 307P LINEAR P/2000 QJ46 247P LINEAR P/2002 VP94 329P LINEAR-Catalina P/2003 WC7 467P LINEAR-Grauer P/2010 TO20 429P LINEAR-Hill P/2008 QP20 188P LINEAR-Mueller P/1998 S1 231P LINEAR-NEAT P/2003 CP7 224P LINEAR-NEAT P/2003 XD10 204P LINEAR-NEAT P/2001 TU80 301P LINEAR-NEAT P/2001 BB50 355P LINEAR-NEAT P/2004 T1 193P LINEAR-NEAT P/2001 Q5 371P LINEAR-Skiff P/2001 R6 381P LINEAR-Spacewatch P/2000 S4 359P LONEOS P/2007 RS41 282P LONEOS P/2003 BM80 315P LONEOS P/2004 VR8 201P LONEOS P/2001 R1 159P LONEOS P/2003 UD16 150P LONEOS P/2000 WT168 182P LONEOS P/2001 WF2 376P LONEOS P/2005 GF8 267P LONEOS P/2006 Q2 450P LONEOS P/2004 A1 316P LONEOS-Christensen P/2005 RV25 409P LONEOS-Hill P/2005 XA54 462P LONEOS-PANSTARRS P/2022 M1 328P LONEOS-Tucker P/1998 QP54 324P La Sagra P/2010 R2 279P La Sagra P/2009 QG31 424P La Sagra P/2012 S2 233P La Sagra P/2009 WJ50 308P Lagerkvist-Carsenty P/1997 T3 264P Larsen P/2004 H3 200P Larsen P/1997 V1 280P Larsen P/2004 H2 374P Larson P/2007 V1 413P Larson P/2014 E1 382P Larson P/2007 R1 261P Larson P/2005 N3 250P Larson P/2011 A1 363P Lemmon P/2011 VJ5 349P Lemmon P/2010 EY90 397P Lemmon P/2012 SB6 423P Lemmon P/2008 CL94 405P Lemmon P/2013 TL117 445P Lemmon-PANSTARRS P/2014 R5 302P Lemmon-PANSTARRS P/2007 RJ236 481P Lemmon-PANSTARRS P/2012 WA34 457P Lemmon-PANSTARRS P/2020 O1 486P Leonard P/2018 L5 449P Leonard P/2020 S6 255P Levy P/2006 T1 292P Li P/1998 Y2 77P Longmore P/1975 L1 184P Lovas P/1986 W1 93P Lovas P/1980 X1 281P MOSS P/2013 CE31 96P Machholz P/1986 J2 141P Machholz P/1994 P1 115P Maury P/1985 Q1 208P McMillan P/2008 U1 320P McNaught P/2004 R1 284P McNaught P/2007 H1 446P McNaught P/2012 O3 442P McNaught P/2011 Q3 401P McNaught P/2006 H1 220P McNaught P/2004 K2 420P McNaught P/2009 U4 353P McNaught P/2009 S2 191P McNaught P/2007 N1 278P McNaught P/2006 K2 336P McNaught P/2006 G1 372P McNaught P/2008 O2 338P McNaught P/2008 J3 260P McNaught P/2005 K3 378P McNaught P/2005 Y2 350P McNaught P/2010 J5 254P McNaught P/2010 T1 318P McNaught-Hartley P/1994 N2 130P McNaught-Hughes P/1991 S1 262P McNaught-Russell P/1994 X1 314P Montani P/1997 G1 124P Mrkos P/1991 F1 190P Mueller P/1998 U2 136P Mueller P/1990 S1 120P Mueller P/1987 U2 131P Mueller P/1990 R1 173P Mueller P/1993 W1 149P Mueller P/1992 G3 291P NEAT P/2003 S1 215P NEAT P/2002 O8 212P NEAT P/2000 YN30 180P NEAT P/2001 K1 189P NEAT P/2002 O5 169P NEAT P/2002 EX12 368P NEAT P/2005 R1 243P NEAT P/2003 S2 272P NEAT P/2004 F1 303P NEAT P/2003 U3 166P NEAT P/2001 T4 207P NEAT P/2001 J1 163P NEAT P/2004 V4 246P NEAT P/2004 F3 312P NEAT P/2001 Q11 240P NEAT P/2002 X2 334P NEAT P/2001 F1 370P NEAT P/2001 T3 473P NEAT P/2001 Q6 472P NEAT-LINEAR P/2002 T6 410P NEAT-LINEAR P/2005 CR16 343P NEAT-LONEOS P/2003 SQ215 463P NEOWISE P/2018 HT3 417P NEOWISE P/2015 J3 25D Neujmin D/1916 D1 42P Neujmin P/1929 P2 408P Novichonok-Gerke P/2011 R3 198P ODAS P/1998 X1 304P Ory P/2008 Q2 39P Oterma P/1943 G1 483P PANSTARRS P/2016 J1 364P PANSTARRS P/2013 CU129 365P PANSTARRS P/2011 WG113 480P PANSTARRS P/2014 A3 477P PANSTARRS P/2018 P3 476P PANSTARRS P/2015 HG16 482P PANSTARRS P/2014 VF40 470P PANSTARRS P/2014 W1 432P PANSTARRS P/2021 N4 426P PANSTARRS P/2019 A7 437P PANSTARRS P/2011 UE215 435P PANSTARRS P/2021 T3 419P PANSTARRS P/2015 F1 399P PANSTARRS P/2013 O2 394P PANSTARRS P/2020 F4 386P PANSTARRS P/2011 U1 400P PANSTARRS P/2013 PA104 441P PANSTARRS P/2017 R1 464P PANSTARRS P/2014 OL465 460P PANSTARRS P/2016 BA14 469P PANSTARRS P/2015 XG422 466P PANSTARRS P/2015 T3 456P PANSTARRS P/2021 L4 448P PANSTARRS P/2022 Q1 380P PANSTARRS P/2019 G1 455P PANSTARRS P/2017 S9 454P PANSTARRS P/2022 U5 348P PANSTARRS P/2017 A2 253P PANSTARRS P/2011 R2 347P PANSTARRS P/2016 SV 311P PANSTARRS P/2013 P5 258P PANSTARRS P/2012 H1 358P PANSTARRS P/2012 T1 443P PANSTARRS-Christensen P/2022 E1 407P PANSTARRS-Fuls P/2013 J4 119P Parker-Hartley P/1989 E1 80P Peters-Hartley P/1982 N1 185P Petriew P/2001 Q2 226P Pigott-LINEAR-Kowalski P/2003 A1 238P Read P/2005 U1 344P Read P/2005 S3 44P Reinmuth P/1947 R1 30P Reinmuth P/1928 D1 373P Rinner P/2011 W2 91P Russell P/1983 L1 94P Russell P/1984 E1 89P Russell P/1980 S1 83D Russell D/1979 M2 156P Russell-LINEAR P/2000 QD181 322P SOHO P/1999 R1 342P SOHO P/2000 O3 321P SOHO P/2001 D1 323P SOHO P/1999 X3 414P STEREO P/2016 J3 92P Sanguin P/1977 T2 106P Schuster P/1977 T1 31P Schwassmann-Wachmann P/1929 B1 29P Schwassmann-Wachmann P/1927 V1 73P Schwassmann-Wachmann P/1930 J1 431P Scotti P/2015 Q1 202P Scotti P/2001 X2 430P Scotti P/2011 A2 377P Scotti P/2003 L1 416P Scotti P/2013 A2 244P Scotti P/2000 Y3 61P Shajn-Schaldach P/1949 S1 452P Sheppard-Jewitt P/2003 CC22 447P Sheppard-Tholen P/2021 R9 485P Sheppard-Tholen P/2022 U6 155P Shoemaker P/1986 A1 199P Shoemaker P/1994 J3 102P Shoemaker P/1984 S2 128P Shoemaker-Holt P/1987 U1 121P Shoemaker-Holt P/1989 E2 146P Shoemaker-LINEAR P/1984 W1 118P Shoemaker-Levy P/1991 C2 129P Shoemaker-Levy P/1991 C1 135P Shoemaker-Levy P/1992 G2 137P Shoemaker-Levy P/1990 UL3 145P Shoemaker-Levy P/1991 T1 138P Shoemaker-Levy P/1991 V2 192P Shoemaker-Levy P/1990 V1 181P Shoemaker-Levy P/1991 V1 468P Siding Spring P/2004 V3 389P Siding Spring P/2006 R1 162P Siding Spring P/2004 TU12 105P Singer Brewster P/1986 J1 352P Skiff P/2000 S1 223P Skiff P/2002 S1 305P Skiff P/2004 V1 56P Slaughter-Burnham P/1959 B1 74P Smirnova-Chernykh P/1975 E2 379P Spacewatch P/2006 F4 366P Spacewatch P/2005 JN 484P Spacewatch P/2005 XR132 293P Spacewatch P/2006 XG16 283P Spacewatch P/2013 EV9 125P Spacewatch P/1991 R2 361P Spacewatch P/2006 UR111 362P Spacewatch P/2008 GO98 393P Spacewatch-Hill P/2009 SK280 475P Spacewatch-LINEAR P/2004 DO29 242P Spahr P/1998 U4 171P Spahr P/1998 W1 38P Stephan-Oterma P/1942 V1 98P Takamizawa P/1984 O1 69P Taylor P/1915 W1 434P Tenagra P/2012 TK8 196P Tichy P/2000 U6 274P Tombaugh-Tenagra P/2012 WX32 157P Tritton P/1978 C2 62P Tsuchinshan P/1965 A1 60P Tsuchinshan P/1965 A2 41P Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak P/1951 H1 112P Urata-Niijima P/1986 UD 40P Vaisala P/1939 CB 139P Vaisala-Oterma P/1939 TN 53P Van Biesbroeck P/1954 R1 213P Van Ness P/2005 R2 327P Van Ness P/2002 Q1 276P Vorobjov P/2012 T7 360P WISE P/2010 P4 412P WISE P/2010 B2 245P WISE P/2010 L1 356P WISE P/2010 D1 337P WISE P/2010 N1 317P WISE P/2010 K2 461P WISE P/2010 OE101 453P WISE-Lemmon P/2022 V1 444P WISE-PANSTARRS P/2016 PM1 123P West-Hartley P/1989 E3 76P West-Kohoutek-Ikemura P/1975 D1 36P Whipple P/1933 U1 351P Wiegert-PANSTARRS P/2016 P2 86P Wild P/1980 G1 63P Wild P/1960 G1 116P Wild P/1990 B1 81P Wild P/1978 A2 107P Wilson-Harrington P/1949 W1 46P Wirtanen P/1948 A1 114P Wiseman-Skiff P/1986 Y1 43P Wolf-Harrington P/1924 Y1 325P Yang-Gao P/2009 L2 172P Yeung P/2002 BV 66P du Toit P/1944 K1 79P du Toit-Hartley P/1945 G1 57P du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte P/1941 O1 271P van Houten-Lemmon P/1960 S1See this list in reverse numerical order.