• Processing (Info)
  • Minor Planet Electronic Circulars

    The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars (MPECs) carry news on unusual minor planets and some routine material on comets. New discoveries of unusual minor planets (both near-Earth and trans-Neptunian objects) are now announced via these circulars. Improved orbits appear frequently. Monthly lists of observable unusual objects, observable distant objects, observable comets and the critical list of numbered minor planets also appear on these circulars. Daily Orbit Update MPECs, issued every day, contain new identifications and orbits obtained over the previous 24 hours.

    On-line MPECs are available. Please ensure that you have read this policy statement on the availability of MPECs.

    Sample MPECs

    Sample MPECs showing a range of the material covered are:

    If you wish to subscribe to the MPECs, please use this form. If you wish to unsubscribe to the MPECs, please use this form. If you have any other queries regarding MPECs, please send an e-mail to mpc@cfa.harvard.edu.